Monday, October 27, 2014

What you focus on becomes most real to you…

What you focus on becomes most real to you…

I am beginning to realize the true blessings of being here in the land. One being the focus of my daily life, it is in a totally different place than when I was in the states. The disconnect from the normal day to day thoughts and obligations is now allowing me to focus. In the title to this post I said what you focus on becomes most real to you (I gleaned that from Don). This meaning where our thoughts are is where our heart and spirit will be also.  My focus is on Yahweh’s plan and Messiah’s message and being here is amplifying it. I am being taught subjects like Leadership, Judicial Order, Becoming the Complete Believer and Messianic Apologetics. All these things are preparing me for whatever work is ahead of me for the Kingdom. It was brought to my attention that these groups coming to meet here in Galilee are the first to be taught 1st century church doctrine since the time of Yahshua. So not only am I here where His ministry all began but I am hearing the same message and doctrines that were taught on these shores 2000 years ago. What a blessing!

America’s current mindset for the most part has turned to a spirit of indifference, rebellion, apathy, pride and arrogance. On top of this, there is a daily attack from all directions causing much confusion and distraction. We have too much going on and to many things pulling at us that need or want our attention.  I encourage all who will be reading this to do the following. Change up your focus. We all know Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

The thought of the above scripture seems easy enough, just simply trust.  The reality of this is that we all fall short (me definitely included). When we begin to shift our focus on what the Bible truly says and let it guide us, things start lining up. The alignments in our life may not look like what you initially imagined but have faith in all things. If you truly seek His will you shall find it. For example, if you told me a year ago I would be living in Israel for 2 ½ months I would have probably said “yeah right.” The fact of the matter is this, if you ask for His will to be done…be ready for anything. As we begin shifting our focus away from worldly things and on the attributes of Messiah, beautiful things begin to happen.  It says in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in chapter 4 verses 16-18: “Because of this, we do not grow weary, but if indeed our outward man is being decayed, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For while the troubles of the present time are little and light, a great and limitless glory for ever and ever is prepared for us. We do not rejoice on the things in which seen, but the things which are not seen; for the things being seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen everlasting.” Much can be taken away from this passage and applied to our current times we live in.

This verse is echoed by 1 John 2: 15: “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, because all that which is in the world: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of this world. And the world is passing away, and its lust. But the one doing the will of Elohim (God) abides forever.” We all must begin to change our focus and direct it towards the one that brings life, the Messiah. Our focus needs to be guided by Him so good fruit may flourish. Galatians 5:22 “the fruit of the Spirit is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Self Control.”

I hope this message has been a blessing to all of you. More to come in the near future.

Blessings and Shalom from Israel. With Love, Joshua

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Journey... None The Less

A Journey… None The Less

Shalom Shalom!

So my journey wasn’t the easiest….. Yes I made it here in one piece but it was challenge. Note to self, when traveling to Israel don’t have a heavy beard and don’t travel alone. My flights were all smooth until I reached the El Al terminal that’s when things got interesting. I was questioned by three individuals and then interrogated by a forth once this process was completed I was whisked away by one of the heads of security. I was lead through all the TSA checkpoints under his supervision and then taken to my gate by him personally he was nice and assured all was well. Once at the gate I was lead to a side room where by backpack was confiscated and taken. About 20 minutes later I was called in and given another good patting down. Once I was verified has harmless I was taken through all the lines and lead on the plane (Praise Yahweh for favor). Flight taxi’s out to get in precession to take off and the announcement is made that there is starter issues so we are grounded. 3 hours later we are given the green light at 10:00 p.m. to fly out across the Atlantic to Tel Aviv. The flight went very well with little turbulence. It was a very interesting thing to see the orthodox in the back of the plane praying and wrapping themselves in tefillim twice during the flight (more of that to come). The flight was 10 hours and I gained 7 hours of time once I got here. So in total I took me around 28 hours to get here. Once I arrived I had more issues with getting clearance into the country, another round of interrogations but praise Yah I made it. He is good in all things, a lot of prayers thus far for favor, guidance and protection. I had this whole plan in my head about taking a train to Haifa and then hopping a bus to Tiberias and then a taxi to Livnim but I didn’t have the “drive” in me (pun intended) for all that. I said “Ok what do I do now” as I sat outside the Ben Gurion airport entrance. I asked a Sheerot (small van) driver about how to get to the bus station and he pointed down the street. I start walking and a taxi driver catches my attention and I ask him about the bus stop, he then asked “Wher yo trying to get?” I explained Tiberias he exclaimed “Ah Galelia” I said “yes yes!” we were off! He explained to me if I take the train, then bus then taxi it would take me 5 plus hours so the taxi although a bit more expensive was the way to go. He was a nice guy from outside Tel Aviv and we had a lot of good conversation about the war, the muslims, the country, food, cars and why I was there. We arrived here last night just at sunset and it so beautiful. As I write this it is just starting to sink in that I am actually here, am learning about the Messiah in the very place he started His ministry 2000 years ago…. Let that sink in for a moment. Wild to say the least, I am truly blessed to be here and be discipled by Don and the Congregation of YHWH I am looking forward to by studies that begin tomorrow and all the amazing places I will go. Thank you to all who have supported me and are praying for me now. More updates to come. Blessings and Shalom!


                                                                With Love,


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In preparation for my trip across the big pond to the Holy Land of Israel. The purpose of this trip is to participate in an ambassadorship program called "Return to the Land." The School/Program is for 7 weeks and will quite the experience. I will staying in Tiberias with the group and traveling the country on different weekly trips. We will be traveling to multiple holy sites, archaeological digs and government establishments. The idea behind this program is to bring awareness to the plight of the modern day Israel on the world scene and the future of this great nation. My studies will be Hebraic Roots oriented and focused on the language, history and Biblical  relevance of the land. I pray that the experiences I have will help me to be a voice for the Jewish people. It is paramount that we support the state of Israel and our Jewish brothers in the wake of growing Anti-Semitism worldwide. Follow my footprints!  Shalom! -Joshua Ennis