Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cause the Bible tells me so… Persecution

Cause the Bible tells me so… Persecution

                Shalom family of faith. Things here in the land are running along smoothly, the weather has been quite pleasant with a few early showers. The farmers and locals praise the early rains due to the impact on the early crops and the current olive harvest.  Water in Israel is limited to say the least and we have to really watch our consumption of it. Don advised us on the first day here “No American showers” due to about 10 of us in the group being from America/Canada (aka the west). So in other words get in and get out! Little things like this has changed my focus and made me that much more appreciative of all the blessings we take for granted daily in the west. The longer I am away from my daily luxuries the more I realize how unimportant it all is.

 I have had the privilege of being housemates with three men from Africa. Harrison and John from Kenya and Kuel from South Sudan. The stories and testimony I have received from all of them has really brought reality into focus. South Sudan is currently gripped by a devastating civil war and until I got here I had no idea. I consider myself pretty on top current world events but this one slide right by me. Kuel gave his testimony this past Shabbat (Sabbath) and it was sobering to say the least. He is the Senior Elder for Congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem in Africa and is key in the mission work being done there. Less than three months ago he was forced from His home in the middle of the night because the battle had come to His backyard. See what is going on here to explain in more detail is this. There is a regime made up of one of the large radical tribes called the Denga and they hate the Nuer tribe. Kuel is part of the Nuer and is thus in constant danger along with the other hundreds of thousands Nuer tribesman. The Nuer in collaboration with others make up the rebel force that had fought from secession from the primarily Muslim northern part of Sudan. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced due to the conflict included Kuel and the two other African sisters that are here with us in Israel. Their testimonies are equally horrifying as Kuel’s, but back to him. He was forced to run for his life with others from his village Nassir and walk for 11 hours the first day and 9 the next to get to the UN refugee camp. They took a small amount of water and the clothes on their backs, by day two all the water was gone and they were forced to drink stagnant ditch water to survive the African summer heat. But, praise Yahweh he survived as well as those with him and they made it to the UN camp. The Denga are able to tell enemy tribesman by markings on the foreheads that are ceremonial and will kill any they find on the spot. He explained that in the past few decades so many have inter married with other tribes that everyone has markings of other tribes. The result is they are simple killing everyone. Kuel stated that he has seen whole villages massacred and left in the streets. The two other women Nanyan and Nanyett from the same area are here with Kuel. Nanyan had her son taken from her and was promised he was being taken to school, but rather he was put into the military. She fears him to be dead. Nanyett was with Kuel when they were all forced from their homes. They all have lost loved ones, brothers, children, parents etc...

What I am trying to do is paint a picture for you. Persecution, death and loss is to be expected in this life, especially if you are a follower of the one true Messiah. Unfortunately in western society false doctrines contrary to the truth are innumerable. We have been jaded for example by televangelist preaching a false unbiblical entitled prosperity for simply “believing in Jesus.” As a society we have been in a bubble for the better part of our inception. We are the land of those having, not the land of have not’s. What do you give a person/society who has everything? Advice? How about the truth? Yahshua stated to Thomas after he asked about knowing the way “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:5-7)

There is more to this “Way” of life than what most people of faith know and accept. Yahshua goes on to give them a parable about the fig tree.

“I am the True Vine and my Father the Vinedresser. Every branch in me not bearing good fruit, He takes away; and each one bearing fruit, He prunes, so that it may bear more fruit” John 15:1-2.  The pruning that is spoken of by Yahshua is that of trials and tribulations that come naturally to those in the faith. It is the responsibility of every true disciple to bear fruit for the Kingdom. This is what we call Kingdom principles and thinking. He goes on say in verse six: “Unless one remains in Me, he is cast out as the branch and is dried up; and they gather and throw them into a fire, and they are burned.”  This is clearly speaking of the judgments given to those who do not bear fruit for Yahweh and His Kingdom. So we have established that the Messiah is requiring more than just belief in Him. We are called to much more, we are called to change and be transformed. This transformation changes our motives and our intent and good fruit will be born out of doing the will of Yahweh.  

In Paul’s letter to the Romans he gives them direction stating: “ Brethren, I call on you through the compassion of Elohim to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to Elohim, which is your responsible service. And be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, in order to prove by you what is good and pleasing and the perfect will of Elohim (G-d). Romans 12:1-2” We use the terms “saved” and “born again” in a much looser fashion in the west from my experiences being raised in America. This is a serious issue not one to be taken lightly or to assume about one’s self. We see where in John 3:3 Yahshua tells Nicodemus “Truly, truly I say to you, that if a man is not born again, he is not able to see the Kingdom of Yahweh.” Paul again states in His 2nd letter to the Corinthians the importance of being a new creation. “So that if anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!” 2 Cor 5:17.

These messages are simply absent from mainstream Christianity for the most part.  

Getting back to persecution… While I am writing this to you a Ugandan Elder of the Congregation of Yahweh, has been detained and is currently in prison there. His crime? Preaching the true gospel of Yahshua. We are told again and again to not expect an easy life but rather a hard one full of persecution. Paul spent a majority of His time in prison while writing his letters to the different brethren. Yahshua’s Sermon on the Mount is probably one of the most important chapters of scripture there is. His disciples ask Him “what will be the sign of your coming?” He clearly defines the following: tribulation, hatred, betrayal and death.  For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines and plagues and earthquakes against many places. But all these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to affliction, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name. Matt 24: 7-9” Sounds like the present to me. The persecution of believers has been perpetual in history, but it has risen at an alarming rate. We are to consider it a joy to be persecuted for sake of the Messiah. We haven’t seen anything yet, the day is coming where we will be forced to decide to wither take up our crossbeam or deny Him. We are quickly approaching the “Days of Sorrow.” I personally am excited at the fact of being alive in this time, He chose me to be here at this junction of time called the present. I know the message here seems gloomy, but we have the blessed hope of the Messiah. Hope in a hopeless world, what a blessing and an honor. I pray this message speaks to you and quickens your spirit. 
With Love,
-          Joshua

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