Friday, December 12, 2014

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom from Israel!

I pray all are blessed as we approach His time of rest!  Things are going well here in the North and have been quiet since Sunday.  I am so thankful to have my earthly Abba (Father) here with me now and to have my heavenly Abba Yahweh with us everywhere we go.  We have gotten much accomplished here in the land in just four days of Him being here.

We have gone to the high places of the Golan Heights and prayed against the enemies of Israel on the Lebanese and Syrian borders.  We also visited the ancient pagan Temple of Pan in Banias, we prayed, spoke proclamations against it and blew the shofars (trumpets).  Banias is near Caesarea Philippi as found in Matt 16:13-19 when Yahshua asked His disciples “whom do you say me to be.”  The significance of this place is that Yahshua brought His followers to a temple of pagan worship (Banias) to reveal himself to them.  In verse 18 He says to Peter “And I also say to you that you are Peter (which means small pebble) and on this rock (Yahshua the Messiah) I will build by assembly and the gates of Hades will not prevail against her.”  Banias is a massive rock wall that has ancient pagan alters to Zeus, Pan and other gods.  He used this as a backdrop to give a visual to the 12 that he was the rock of their salvation not these manmade silly gods.  It was a place of death and many sacrifices to the pagan deities. Yahshua made it clear that He was about to be offered up as the ultimate sacrifice in the following verses.  Also, that Hades shall not prevail against the Father and the Son.

Today we visited and prayed over the worldwide center for the practice of Kabbalah in Zefat. This is a serious spiritual stronghold not only here in Israel but also throughout the world.  The practice of Kabbalah has become the new hip religion with the New Age movement and Hollywood alike.  Next time you see your favorite actor on the red carpet see if you notice a little red string tied around their arm.  That is sure sign they are involved in this practice of Jewish mysticism/witchcraft.

We have been blessed everywhere we have been, no hassles (other than Israeli traffic) or problems of any kind thus far.  I am thankful for all of you who are keeping Dad and me in your prayers. Please continue to cover us in this much needed prayer and share with others these experiences we are having.
 Prayers over Syria (top) and Lebanon (right)
Much is happening here in the land and worldwide in regards to the precarious future of Israel. I witnessed firsthand the fighter squadrons that were dispatched to the North to bomb missile shipments near Damascus that were being made for Hezbollah and ISIS.  The border situation is always in need of prayer and could deteriorate at any time.  Jerusalem is in a continued state of heightened alert due to the constant Palestinian uprisings that come and then recede.  On a global front the EU is following suit to push for the recognition of a Palestinian state (news article below): France, Britain, Spain and now Ireland are Pro-Palestine, this is serious friends…

On top of all this the Israeli Knesset has been dissolved in the past week and the country as a whole is in a very vulnerable state:
We must continue to pray for Israel and for unity to return to the land to keep them strong as the entire planet politically and spiritually is turning against them.
I will be in touch soon with another update on what is happening around the land and what we get into too in our travels. Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

                With Love,

                Joshua and Perry Ennis
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for Yahweh your Elohim is with you in all places where you go." Joshua 1:9

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