Pray for the Best,
Prepare for the Worst
Blessings to
you in the wonderful names of Yahweh and Yahshua! I pray all is well with
everyone reading this post. In lieu of all the recent developments it has
been put on my heart this week to write to you about preparation. To all those
who follow my post and email I want to thank you first off... so thank you!
In recent news
the Stocks here in the U.S. and worldwide have taken a serious tumble. The
racial unrest within our cities is growing, there is SERIOUS threat
of possible war here between America and a number of possible foes
and in Israel. There is the growing threat of homeland terror attacks via
Radical Islamic sects or the always possible False Flag Terror
(See Loose Change for
more info on False Flag Terror:
It is over
whelming all that is coming to pass worldwide, it will give you a headache when
trying to dissect it all. Many of you who read this have probably not been
exposed to some of this data and that's ok. But, you are now and it is up to you what you
will do moving forward after the fact. You see in this life everyone has an
intrinsic duty to do the best with what they have (that includes information).
For all the eschatology students out there... Look around you! We are
truly entering into a time in which has never been and shall never be
Prophecy is
unfolding weekly right before our eyes and the pieces are being put
on Yahweh's chessboard. We are seeing move and countermove, the
Almighty moves and Satan countermoves.
which has been, it is that that which shall be. And that which has been done,
it is that which will be done. And there is no new thing under the sun."
-Eccl 1:9
What we are
seeing in our society and also in the world scene is nothing new to Yahweh. Humankind
is on a constant cycle of rebellion and disobedience.
The Romans held
sporting events that led to the slaughter of many Jews and early Christian
believers in the name of entertainment. This was amplified towards the end
of the Roman Empire. This was to distract the masses from the fact that their
society was on the outs and that Rome was on the verge of total collapse (sound
In America we are
inundated with a constant bombardment of entertainment, propaganda, sports
and many other forms of I'll call it “Ra-Ra” to distract us from paying
attention to reality…
Here are the facts:
people in the days of the Prophets sacrificed their children to Molech, we
murder ours out of carnal convenience. Not only is the practice of baby murder
allowed, it’s protected. Recently Planned Parenthood has been infiltrated by
the Pro-Life group Center for Medical Progress and it has been found out that
the sale of infant fetal tissue is practiced and commonplace. Orders are made
and quotas are meet, how disgusting is that?! There has been I believe 6-7
videos released on this and it is truly horrifying. More videos will be released soon on this atrocity.
Link to Center for
Medical Progress:
Here is a you tube
Short Film on this development WARNING it is very GRAPHIC:
As of this week the
Pope has declared a “Year of Mercy” starting in December to allow for the
forgiveness of the act of abortion via confession to their local priest…wow.
There is only one who forgives and that is Yahweh the Father through the Blood
of The Messiah!
Watch coverage on
this here:
since the beginning of historical accounts has been viewed as a sign of
a society's degradation when accepted and celebrated. We not only
celebrate this SIN in this country but we now have elected for it to
be the law of the land to allow Sodomites to become married (what a
blasphemy of the term Marriage.) The church has for the most part been silent
on this as I will explain in my next point.
And the people
The persecution for
being part of the new biblical “counter culture” is here. People are making
stands for their beliefs and the news is covering a lot of these accounts:
Kentucky Clerk Who Refuses to
Issue Licenses for Gay Marriage:
Colorado cake baker
loses in court over refusal to bake wedding cake for homosexual union:
More articles on
Pro-Homosexual Fascism:
modern church has been shamefully quite in the wake of all these things coming
to pass. It should come as no surprise that many larger churches are under the
political correctness hand cuffs of the 501c3 National Church. This is the
tax exemption code which carries with it what I find to be "A hook in the
jaw" for these churches. False teachers have been escalated to
unimaginable levels of wealth, fame and power in the western church circuits.
The positions of power these people have achieved have turned them into
hirelings. What is a hireling you may ask? Merriam Webster states:
a person who is paid for doing a job that is not respected or that is
considered morally wrong.
clearly tells to be watchful of such people:
“But the hireling, not even
being a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and forsakes
the sheep and flees. And the wolf seizes them, and scatters the sheep. But the
hireling flees because he is a HIRELING and there is not a care to him
concerning the sheep.” –John 10:12-13
example, because homosexual marriage has become politicized... criticizing
it...or criticizing politicians in favor of it...from the pulpit could be
considered at one extreme as church involvement in politics (an IRS 501c3
no-no) or at the other extreme as 'hate speech'."
Full article here:
crime is on the rise and senseless acts of cruelty are becoming common place in
our society. We have all seen the uptick in radical acts of race based crime on
both sides of the racial barrier. Much of these acts are deliberate race
baiting tactics to steer the narrative of a coming race war.
“Open Season” has
been declared on law enforcement in lieu of the recent confrontations as stated
by Sheriff David Clark:
Lou Dobbs recently posted the following quote with video
to show this statistic of the explosion of violent crime in 2015:
New York Times waking up to something we've been reporting on here for months,
a nationwide crime wave. According to the Times, at least 35 cities have
reported a spike in murders and violent crime after years of declines. Murders in Baltimore up 56%, In St. Louis
up 60%, and murders in Milwaukee up 76% over last year.” – Lou Dobbs, Fox
told us that these things would come to pass, his Olivet Prophecy is a
guideline for the last days. The increase of violence on the earth can be found
in Matthew 24 verse 12:
because LAWLESSNESS shall have
multiplied, the love of the many will grow cold”
government is preparing for something. There has been mass movement of government
hardware around the country and drills for over a year now. The recent Jade
Helm exercise has added to this proactive preparation for social unrest,
economic collapse or even war.
have to ask yourself this…who are they preparing for?
All of the
eyes of the discerning body of believers is and should be focused on the next
couple of months. September and October are shaping up to have more prophetic
events happen than you can shake a stick at. As I discussed in my previous post
about the 20 plus events that will be occurring in the next month...
The points made above are just a
fraction of what has been happening in our nation recently. So you’re probably
asking yourself what should we do? What can we do?
First, don’t panic!
Second, Pray for the best and
Prepare for the worst.
It is our responsibly to be prepared
as best we can and have our Spiritual and Physical houses in order in the
current and coming events in this nation and throughout the planet. Many within
the church don’t feel any need to make any preparation because they are waiting
on “The Rapture.”
What if it doesn’t come when you
think it is supposed to? I’m not going to go off on a tangent on that subject
at this time. But I will say this, there is not enough biblical evidence to
support this newly established doctrine (it is less than 200 years old). I have
included an excerpt from Don Esposito’s lesson “Enduring to the End” below.
“The end times in the Scriptures are a very important time in the plan of
Yahweh. As a matter of fact, one third of the bible is prophecy, and about 80%
to 90% of those prophesies are for the end time. But most people in the world,
today, calling themselves Christians, don’t seem to think that they have to
even consider these end times, which the Bible calls the last days, because of
a false doctrine that started in the last century, that all believers are going
to be raptured to heaven, before any end time tribulation begins. It is also part
of this false doctrine that Yahshua returns twice; once to rapture all
believers and children, and some believe even their animals, to heaven before
an assumed 7 year tribulation period, and then He will return a second time at
the end of this 7 year period to fight the world’s armies at Armageddon. The
rapture theory also purports that many millions of worldly non-believers will
come to faith after this rapture happens, and that there will be a great
revival in the last days. Nothing could be more unscriptural and further from
the truth. The end times speaks of a
great falling away from the truth unto lawlessness, not a great revival in the
last days.
So if the Scriptures do not proclaim
a rapture, where does this false teaching come from? In the 1830's, there was a
man by the name of Irving who held services in Ireland. One night, a fourteen
year old epileptic girl gave an utterance that the saints would not go through
the Great Tribulation. From this utterance the rapture teaching came about, and
many believers fell into error. This pseudo teaching was introduced to many
other groups in the 1830's and 1840's.
Great leaders of the 1830's totally discounted Irving's teachings. But the
Brethren Church, the Plymouth Brethren and the Scofield Bible spread this error
to the United States and to other nations. Dr. Scofield was a close friend of
Irving and incorporated the rapture theory into his footnotes. The rapture
theory has been taught as fact ever since, even though it has no Biblical
A note of interest: Irving, himself, had prophesied the end of the world
would come in 1847. But that error was overlooked; but the rapture error
remains to be taught as truth.
The false doctrine of the rapture
was never believed by either the early Apostles or believers, and there is
absolutely no historical references that it was ever believed by the
congregation in the wilderness throughout the centuries. In this lesson we are
going to look at this false doctrine more closely, and we will also look at what
is the true Biblical mandate, which true believers should be doing in these end
times. There is absolutely no scripture in the entirety of the Bible that ever
says in the end times that believers will be raptured to heaven before
suffering any type of persecution, but rather it is a false doctrine that false
Christianity in the west developed, so as not to have to worry about
persecution in the last days.
So where did the idea of a
pre-tribulation rapture come from?”
-Don Esposito, Senior Elder Congregation
of Yahweh, Jerusalem
*For a full teaching on “Enduring to
the End” follow the link to
When entering into a preparedness
mindset I often reference the beautiful story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.
We find in Genesis 41 the story of
Pharaoh’s dream. Yahweh chose to give him a dream and trouble him into finding
out its meaning. Through divine appointment Pharaoh was given the
interpretation of his dream by Yahweh’s servant Joseph. The dreams
interpretation was of seven years of abundance and seven years of famine.
Yahweh revealed the need to store the excess to feed the nation.
“And let them gather all the food for these coming
good years. And let heep up grain under Pharaoh’s hand as food in the cities,
and let them keep it. And let the food be for a store for the land, for seven
years of famine which will be in the land of Eqypt and let not the land be cut
off by famine.” -Gen 41:35-36
We can learn something from this and
also apply it to our lives. People are discerning that we are in for a
turbulent future. Especially for the true followers of the Messiah. We are to
occupy until His soon return. Living in a mindset of preparedness means being
willing to cut back in times of plenty to have provision in times of want. The
decision to be responsible and prepare for some is easy and is common sense,
but for others it causes great stress. It shouldn’t! We must get our spiritual
and physical houses in order (and in that order). If we do not first attend to
our spiritual houses we will not be discerning the day and be competent to go
about making any type of preparations in the physical.
We must have a healthy and reverent
fear of Yahweh. The fear of our creator is just simply not taught enough in the
Protestant Christian world. I am not speaking to everyone out there who is
going to be reading this report. Many whom I know personally do fear Yahweh and
that is good place to be. When the nations fear the creator obedience and order
is found. Where there is no fear there is lawlessness. As a child I feared my
Father. I feared him because he was the punisher and it was by his standards
that I had to live. If I was disobedient I was punished, if was obedient he was
pleased. People don’t seem to see the correlation with our earthly fathers and
our Heavenly Father Yahweh. If your father follows the Holy Scriptures you will
see the Spirit in which Yahweh operates through him in childhood. Granted no
one is perfect, but my Father was just and the fear I had as a child and still have
as an adult is a healthy fear. What can we learn from scripture on this?
In the Psalms and in Proverbs we see
the following:
“The fear of Yahweh is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of Yahweh are
true, they are righteous altogether.” –Psalms 19:9
“The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and
instruction.” –Proverbs 1:7
“The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding to all
those who are practicing them; His praise is standing forever!” –Psalms 111:10
Paul’s letter to Hebrews echoes this
reverent fear:
“For this reason, receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us have grace, by
which we may serve Yahweh pleasingly, with reverence and awe; for also “Our Elohim
is a consuming fire.” –Hebrews 12:28-29
The fear of not pleasing Yahweh
brings conviction and conviction brings repentance and repentance brings
revival. The fear
of Yahweh is respecting Him, obeying Him, submitting to His discipline, and
worshipping Him in awe.
Getting our spiritual house in order includes our mind, body, heart and
spirit. It is a constant battle that I struggle with as much as the next person…
but I struggle onward! Once we begin to
get our spiritual house in order, we can then begin to focus more on the physical.
We cannot let the distractions of the day pull us away from Him and doing His
kingdom work. He will use you no matter where you are if you will simply let
him do so. Now I want to address physical preparation for the unknown lets go
to scripture on this matter.
Proverbs 6:6 says the following:
“Go to the ant, lazy man; consider her ways and
be wise; who having no guide, overseer or ruler, provides her bread in the
summer and gathers her food in the harvest. How long will you lie down, O lazy
man? When will you arise out of your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a
little folding of the hands to lie down; so shall your poverty come as one walking,
and you need like an armed man”
A lesson is learned here from the tiniest of
creatures, Ants are in a constant state of work and preparation for the future…
Proverbs 21:20
desirable treasure and oil are in the dwelling of the wise, but the foolish man
devours it.”
1 Timothy 5:8
If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his family who are of
the faith, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
Whatever the situation may be it is our
responsibility to meet the need according to Timothy 5:8. Notice no exclusions
are mentioned. So if the economy continues to spiral (which I am fairly confident
of) or if there is a massive hurricane, a power outage, an EMP (electromagnetic
pulse) or whatever, we are responsible. This verse should not be taken
lightly, this is a very serious matter. Life and Death even…We are instructed
to be prepared to provide as best we can come what may.
Proverbs 27:12
“A prudent person foresees
the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and
suffers the consequences.”
A smart/wise person sees what is coming down the
pipe and prepares accordingly and a fool simply does not and in turn pays the
price for that foolishness. We should not be put in a state of worry or anxiety
but we should be concerned and discerning. There is a difference.
What can you do to have some peace of mind?
First, buy food.
This is probably the easiest task there is in
regards to getting somewhat prepared. Buy a few extra pounds of rice and canned
goods on your weekly visit to the market and you will be surprised how quickly
it accrues.
How much is enough? That depends on the amount of
mouths you need to feed. If you have a
family of four you would need an amount of food that would sustain all four. My
recommendation is have at the bare minimum three months’ worth of food per
person in the event of an emergency. There are literally hundreds of long shelf
life emergency food suppliers out there. Doing a simple search online for long
shelf life foods will bring you many results.
Here are some practical products with good shelf
Survival Food that adds flavor & comfort:
Comfort foods can be a huge morale booster during a stressful
survival situation, something that needs to be kept in mind when starting to
stockpile food. These four things can be stored for over 10 years, and are a
great way to add a little bit of flavor to your cooking. If stored properly
they will probably last indefinitely.
- Salt
- Sugar
– Brown or White
- Raw
- Alcohol
– Whiskey, Vodka, etc…
Base cooking ingredients with a long shelf life:
The following categories of food make up the foundation of most
recipes, and are all things that store well.
Hard Grains: Stored properly hard grains have a
shelf life of around 10 – 12 years.
- Buckwheat
- Dry
- Kamut
- Hard
Red Wheat
- Soft
White Wheat
- Millet
- Durum
- Spelt
Soft grains: These soft grains will last around 8
years at 70 degrees, sealed without oxygen.
- Barley,
- Oat
- Quinoa
- Rye
Beans: Sealed and kept away from oxygen the
following beans can last for around 8 – 10 years.
- Pinto
- Kidney
- Lentils
- Lima
- Adzuki
- Garbanzo
- Mung
- Black
Turtle Beans
- Blackeye
Flours and Mixes and Pastas: 5 – 8 years
- All
Purpose Flour
- White
- Whole
Wheat Flour
- Cornmeal
- Pasta
- White
Rice ( up to 10 years)
- Coconut
oil – Coconut oil has one of the longest shelf lives of any kind of oil.
It can last for over 2 years and is a great item to add to your survival
food supply list.
Survival Foods that are great during short-term disasters:
The following items are great for short-term emergencies, and
will stay fresh for a long period of time. During most disasters you’re going
to want to have food that requires very little cooking, or can be eaten without
any preparation at all. Make sure some of your stockpile includes these types
of food.
Other good survival foods: 2 – 5 years of shelf life
- Canned
- Canned
- Canned
Vegetables & Fruits
- Peanut
- Coffee
- Tea
- Ramen
Noodles – not the greatest food in the world but they are very cheap so
they made the survival food list.
- Hard
- Powdered
- Dried
herbs and spices
Items that can be used for more than cooking:
- Apple
Cider Vinegar – Cleaning, cooking, and has antibiotic properties
- Baking
Soda – Cleaning, cooking, etc…
- Honey
– Mentioned again for its antibiotic properties and wound healing.
Nonfood items to
stock up on at the grocery store:
- Bic
- Toilet
- Soaps
- Bottled
- Vitamins
- Medicines
- Bandages
- Peroxide
- Lighter
- Canning
- Charcoal
In addition to food, having a firearm
and ammunition is a must. People have to stop being afraid of gun ownership. We
must be prepared to not only defend ourselves but our loved ones if
necessary. My personal opinion is get a
basic 9mm handgun and a few hundred rounds. The 9mm is a great all around caliber and can
be handled easily by men and women. I do not advocate violence but I do
advocate not being a victim. Crime is starting to sky rocket in many areas and
it will only continue to get worst as we move forward into economic downturn,
food shortages, possible war and all the other unknown variables.
I hope this report/article/blog whatever you wish
to call it has been helpful. If you are interested in finding out more about
what is currently going on in the world from a prophetic standpoint I encourage
you to visit some alternative media sites that are not agenda controlled. Please
contact me and I will give you any knowledge I have on anything that has been
discussed, if I could write and do this type of work all the time I would. I
truly love doing kingdom work and warning the people. Unfortunately we all must
work and pay our way if possible. I understand that a lot of the people who actually
make it down this far to page 11 of this report may be a little overwhelmed.
Also, you probably think I am crazy. But beloved remember that truth is
stranger than fiction and we have been deceived on many fronts into thinking
all is well. They want to general population in this slumber of false security.
We must WAKE UP to the facts that have been presented and prepare MIND, BODY,
SPIRIT and HEART! The first words uttered by Messiah in Matthew 24 to His disciples
was “SEE THAT NO MAN DECIEVE YOU.” So ladies and gentlemen don’t be deceived,
simple as that. Ask questions, get involved, do something to fight the good
fight! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Quicken your spirit and ask Abba Yahweh for Discernment
on what lies ahead. Ask Him to reveal to you who to speak with, what action to
take, where to possibly move, what ministry to be involved and most importantly
to reveal what HIS WORD SAYS.
It is my hope and prayer that this will reach at
least one person that has ears to hear: “one
having ears to hear let them hear” –Mark4:9
Joshua E.
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