Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Taming of the Tongue

The Taming of the Tongue

We all use words, some more than others. When we open our mouth we are making a decision each time to speak life or death. We make thousands of decisions each day be it in thought and deed or in speech. Words are how we communicate and express ourselves. We all fall short in the words department me included. I have put together this collection of verses with the help of Matthew Vander Els ( He has a great teaching on this and I gleaned a lot of scripture and explanations from him on this matter. Please read though this condensed teaching and I hope you gain something from it that will impact how you speak to one another moving forward.

James 3:1-12 (a small member causes many problems when used wrongly)

Verse 3 “For we all stumble in many ways. If any does not stumble in word, this one is a mature man, also able to subdue the whole body.” (Ps 39.1, 52:1-4, Pr10:19, Math12:34-37)

Verse 6 “Now the tongue is a fire, and the world of sin is like a forest. And this very tongue, while it is among our members, can defile our entire body; and it rolls down like a wheel set on fire the course of our entire life and in the end is consumed by fire.” (Picture this in your mind!)

-          The verse above to me equates the tongue to a match and a dry forest. If you toss the match (your words) carelessly at the dry places of life (others around you) you will have an out of control wildfire within a short time. “Only You can prevent forest fires” –Smokey the Bear

Verse 9: to bless; praise (uplift) Curse; cause harm, put down. You bless Yah with on side of your mouth and you curse your brothers out the other.

-          See Jeremiah 9:4-9

-          James 1:8 “He is a double-souled man, not dependable in all his ways.”

-          James 1:26 “And If anyone thinks that he ministers to Elohim, and does not restrain his tongue, he deceives his own heart, and his services are in vain.”

-Imagine a wedding dress and we are the bride wearing it, when we use our tongue contrary to the word we are in a sense vomiting on our spotless dress.

Lashon Ha-Ra לשון הרע; : In Jewish/Hebrew culture speech is taken very seriously. If one is poor in speech he is looked down on in the community. Lashon Ha-Ra is a classification of speech that means "evil tongue". Speech is  considered to be lashon hara if it says something negative about a person or party, is not previously known to the public, is not seriously intended to correct or improve a negative situation, and is true. Statements that fit this description are considered to be lashon hara, regardless of the method of communication that is used, whether it is through face-to-face conversation, a letter, telephone, or email, or even body language.

Scriptures to address speech issues we all encounter or fall short on in our walk.

Slander: Psalms 101:5 “Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, I will cut him off: I will not endure him who has high eyes and a proud heart.”

Lying: Col 3:9-10 “Do not lie to one another, putting off the old man with his practices, and put on new life which is renewed in knowledge after the pattern in which it was originally created.”

Gossip: Proverbs 20:19 “A revealer of secrets walks about as a gossip, so do not meddle with him who opens his lips wide.”

Bragging/ Gloating: Proverbs 27:2 “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; let it be a stranger and not your own lips.”

Complaining: Phil 2:14-15 “Do all things without murmuring and doubtful reasoning that you may be blameless, children of Yahweh without fault in the midst of a crooked generation, even having been perverted, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world.

Disparaging: James 5:9 “Do not murmur against one another, brothers that you not be condemned, the Judge stands before the door.”

Discouraging: Eph: 4:29 “Let not any evil word go out from your mouth, but words that are good and useful for edification that it may impart a blessing to those who hear them.”

Profane Language: Eph 5:4 “Also cursing, and foolish talking or witty insults (none of which are necessary) but rather the giving of thanks.”

Not Following Our Word: James 5:12 “Above all things my brothers, do not swear, neither by the heaven, nor by the earth, nor any oath. But let your yes be yes and no, no that you not fall under judgment.”

Fits of Rage: Gal 5:19-21 “works of the flesh”

Guard Yourself / Psalm 141:3 “O Yahweh, set a guard to my mouth, keep watch on the door of my lips.

Set a guard! This is a prayer!

If someone offends you tell them. But weigh the importance of addressing or concealing it.

Matt 18:15 “And if your brother with you is at fault, go rebuke him, between you and him alone. If He listens to you, you have won your brother.”

-          You take the offender aside and tell them what bothered or offended you first, then if they will not listen to your request than you are to go talk with others on a solution for this individual.

Proverbs 17:9 “He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he repeats a matter separates friends.”

-          Concealing an offense is an act of love towards your brother.

THINK: In everything that we say and do are these 5 attributes found:  Truth, Helpfulness, Inspiration, (is it) Necessary and Kindness?

Proverbs 10:19 “In the abundance of words sins do not cease, but one restraining his lips is prudent.”

-          The wise are commanded to be quick to hear and slow to speak (James 1:19) Due to the evil nature of man, those who continually talk, usually will be saying negative things or fall into the act of gossiping.

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the hand of the tongue, and those who love it (to talk) shall eat its fruit.”

Matthew 5:21-22 “You have heard that it was said to the ancients “Do not murder!” And whoever commits murder shall be consumed to the Judgement. (Ex: 21; Deut 5:17) But I say to you anyone who provokes to anger his brother without cause, is condemned to judgement and anyone who should say to his brother, I spit on you is condemned to the assembly, and anyone who should say, you are a coward, is condemned to the Gehenna of Fire.”

-          If you are offended and have angry/evil/ murderous thoughts towards your brother and don’t deal with them you are a murderer. Also, if you speak slander against another or their character you are also condemned. (talking behind someone’s back/ character assassination)

Matt 5:23-24 “Then if you offer your gift on the altar and remember there that your brother has a grudge against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then coming, offer your gift.

Proverbs 11:13, 20:19 BE TRUSTWORTHY

Colossians 3:1-2 “If, then you were raised in Messiah, seek the things above, where Messiah is sitting at the right hand of Yahweh. Set your mind on the things of above not the things of this earth.”

Verse 8 “But now, you also, put off all these things: wrath, anger, malice, evil-speaking, filthy conversation out of your mouth.”

We have the Power to spread words of Life and not Death!

Proverbs 12:25 “Heaviness in a man’s heart makes it droop, but a good word makes it glad!”

Proverbs 15:28 “The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”

Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a hurtful word stirs up anger.”

-          How you say things be it facts/ truths / reproofs can stir the direction a conversation goes. Also just the simple tone we use can either bring people closer to Messiah or turn them away.

Proverbs 16:24 “Pleasant words are an overflowing honey, sweetness to the soul and healing to the bones.”

In the midst of more bad headlines, riots, WW3 cooking, political mudslinging, fear mongering, helplessness, terrorist attacks and the general negative direction our world is headed... I wanted to share a little chunk of Scripture to keep things in perspective. Here is a good passage of scripture on thanksgiving and meditating/ thinking on the positive things in life:

 "Rejoice in Yahweh always, I say again Rejoice! Let your humility be known to all men. Our Master is at hand. DO not worry about anything, but in everything by Prayer and Petition with Thanksgivings, let your request be made known to Elohim; and the peace of Yahweh which surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds through Messiah Yahshua. Finally my brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever lovely, whatever is a of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think (AND SPEAK) on these things."

- Philippians 4:4-8

I hope this message blesses someone today! Shalom!