Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Journey... None The Less

A Journey… None The Less

Shalom Shalom!

So my journey wasn’t the easiest….. Yes I made it here in one piece but it was challenge. Note to self, when traveling to Israel don’t have a heavy beard and don’t travel alone. My flights were all smooth until I reached the El Al terminal that’s when things got interesting. I was questioned by three individuals and then interrogated by a forth once this process was completed I was whisked away by one of the heads of security. I was lead through all the TSA checkpoints under his supervision and then taken to my gate by him personally he was nice and assured all was well. Once at the gate I was lead to a side room where by backpack was confiscated and taken. About 20 minutes later I was called in and given another good patting down. Once I was verified has harmless I was taken through all the lines and lead on the plane (Praise Yahweh for favor). Flight taxi’s out to get in precession to take off and the announcement is made that there is starter issues so we are grounded. 3 hours later we are given the green light at 10:00 p.m. to fly out across the Atlantic to Tel Aviv. The flight went very well with little turbulence. It was a very interesting thing to see the orthodox in the back of the plane praying and wrapping themselves in tefillim twice during the flight (more of that to come). The flight was 10 hours and I gained 7 hours of time once I got here. So in total I took me around 28 hours to get here. Once I arrived I had more issues with getting clearance into the country, another round of interrogations but praise Yah I made it. He is good in all things, a lot of prayers thus far for favor, guidance and protection. I had this whole plan in my head about taking a train to Haifa and then hopping a bus to Tiberias and then a taxi to Livnim but I didn’t have the “drive” in me (pun intended) for all that. I said “Ok what do I do now” as I sat outside the Ben Gurion airport entrance. I asked a Sheerot (small van) driver about how to get to the bus station and he pointed down the street. I start walking and a taxi driver catches my attention and I ask him about the bus stop, he then asked “Wher yo trying to get?” I explained Tiberias he exclaimed “Ah Galelia” I said “yes yes!” we were off! He explained to me if I take the train, then bus then taxi it would take me 5 plus hours so the taxi although a bit more expensive was the way to go. He was a nice guy from outside Tel Aviv and we had a lot of good conversation about the war, the muslims, the country, food, cars and why I was there. We arrived here last night just at sunset and it so beautiful. As I write this it is just starting to sink in that I am actually here, am learning about the Messiah in the very place he started His ministry 2000 years ago…. Let that sink in for a moment. Wild to say the least, I am truly blessed to be here and be discipled by Don and the Congregation of YHWH I am looking forward to by studies that begin tomorrow and all the amazing places I will go. Thank you to all who have supported me and are praying for me now. More updates to come. Blessings and Shalom!


                                                                With Love,


1 comment:

  1. I prayed for you the whole time ( and I must admit, I worried a little too.) I am so grateful you made it safely. I remember my first day in the DR. There is nothing quite like that first realization of where God has brought you, and the anticipation of what's to come. Love you brother!
